Hungerstation wins Cannes Creative Commerce plus...6 more innovative food-ordering campaigns A snapshot look at an awarded campaign with a curated pick of past campaigns that use a similar creative approach in some way.
40+ Fast Food Campaigns that won more Gold than Fort Knox. This collection of awarded campaigns links directly to the BITW database. Seventeen of the campaigns achieved over $1M in earned media while sixteen had a low to virtually zero budget.
40+ Fashion & Beauty Campaigns that won more Gold than Fort Knox. This collection of awarded campaigns links directly to the BITW database. Seven of them achieved over $1M in earned media while nineteen of the campaigns grew sales by more than 100%.
Adidas wins Cannes Direct with 321 runner plus...4 more brilliant running inspired campaigns. A snapshot look at an awarded campaign with a curated pick of past campaigns that use a similar creative approach in some way.
Apple TV & EA Sports win Best Activation Cannes plus...4 more Fifa in-game campaign belters. A snapshot look at an awarded campaign with a curated pick of past campaigns that use a similar creative approach in some way.
Partners Life wins Health & Wellness Cannes plus...4 more campaigns that become 'part of the entertainment' to get their message across. A snapshot look at a recently awarded campaign with a curated pick of past campaigns that use a similar creative approach in some way.