Billie presents an unwinnable board game for women everywhere plus...5 more campaigns that leverage games and puzzles.
A snapshot look at a trending campaign with a curated pick of past campaigns that use a similar creative approach in some way.

Bodycare brand Billie is out to highlight the the absurd double standards society holds women to in everyday life like judgments on childbearing choices or being told to "smile more" in meetings. To mock these double standards the brand has created a satirical board game campaign, ‘No Worries If Not’. Game pieces such as “Eternal Youth” and “Biological Clock” underscore societal pressures. Of course, reaching the final destination is not possible; highlighting the unwinnable situation women find themselves in. Accompanying the game, is this mock 80s-style spoof commercial.
Plus, here are five more campaigns leveraging games and puzzles.
Car-Ma Sutra Game | Carmoola | 10 Days | 2023

Challenge people to think of cars on Valentine’s Day with an adult card game.
Cards Of Qatar | Blankspot | Forsman & Bodenfors | 2022
Turn football cards into a way to reveal the shocking stories of migrant workers who died building the World Cup stadiums in Qatar.
Fifty Fifty | IKEA | Edelman | 2021

On International Women’s Day, IKEA created a fun unwinnable card game to highlight with a light touch the thorny issue of unpaid domestic labour and how it still falls to women.
Memorables | Nightingales Medical Trust | McCann | 2021
Turn fond memories of dementia sufferers into puzzles to help slow down memory loss.
Play Rock'n'Roll | Kiss FM | Almap BBDO | 2019
Turn rock bands into board games to promote a new radio station.