Partners Life wins Health & Wellness Cannes plus...4 more campaigns that become 'part of the entertainment' to get their message across.

A snapshot look at a recently awarded campaign with a curated pick of past campaigns that use a similar creative approach in some way.

Partners Life wins Health & Wellness Cannes plus...4 more campaigns that become 'part of the entertainment' to get their message across.

The Last Performance | Partners Life | Special Group New Zealand | 2022

New Zealanders are some of the most underinsured people for life insurance in the world. Insurance company Partners Life wanted to challenge this attitude. They did so by tagging their message that life insurance is important onto the end of episodes of a popular TV show where characters die each episode. Before the credits rolled, the murdered character came back to life to extol the virtues of having life insurance. By integrating the brand into a popular New Zealand TV crime drama “The Brokenwood Mysteries,” and creating a clever additional scene for each dead character, the message was more likely to seep into the nation’s consciousness. As a result, during the campaign period, the website saw 135% more traffic and a 75% increase in leads to financial advisors.

Calling All Emilys In Paris | Duolingo | BETC | 2022

Give all Emilys living in Paris a free trial of Duolingo to learn French. To celebrate - or rather hijack - the launch of season two of Emily in Paris on Netflix, language learning app Duolingo ran a promotion offering a free month of its premium membership to anyone named Emily. The show follows an American woman who faces challenges in Paris due to her lack of French language skills. The campaign, called Calling All Emilys, aimed to encourage people to learn French using Duolingo Plus and thus avoid the same fate as the show's protagonist. A promotional video featured Paris-based Emilys sharing their struggles and urging Emilys worldwide to reclaim the name's reputation by mastering the language. The offer lasted for 48 hours, coinciding with the global premiere of season two.

Spot The Abuse | Women's Aid | Engine Group | 2021

Disguise a gameshow as a way to uncover controlling behaviour. A TV quiz show soon turns into uncomfortable viewing in this ad that uncovers controlling behaviours in relationships. To coincide with the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on 25th November, Spot The Abuse shows how abusive behaviours can often go unnoticed. Three women answer relationship questions and are confused to learn that their partners have been performing coercive control. The act has been illegal since 2015 but cases have been rising, hitting an all-time high during the pandemic. This kind of domestic abuse can be difficult to recognise when it happens gradually and the two-minute ad hopes to make people aware that what a partner says is normal might not be.

The Life Saving Operas | Peruvian Ministry of Health | Circus Grey | 2019

Embrace pop culture to show an organ donation between characters in different TV series. Peru has the lowest number of organ donors in Latin America, with just 1.6 donors per million people. Sadly, Peruvians lack awareness about the importance of organ donation and show little concern for unknown individuals. The challenge for Circus Grey on behalf of the Peruvian Ministry of Health was to therefore find a way to educate people about the importance of organ donation without switching them off. Recognizing the influence of popular daytime TV series - especially soaps - within Latin American culture, a creative solution was devised. A character's death in one popular series led to a kidney donation to a character in another popular series, showcasing the impact of organ donation. The altered scripts were launched, generating nationwide interest in organ donation.

Australian Open Ambush | Uber Eats | Special Group | 2019

Disguise Uber Eats adverts as genuine Australian Open tennis matches to grab attention. The Australian Open is the broadcast opportunity of the year in Australia, with viewership growing year on year. Consequently, it is in high demand with sponsors and people vying to grab hold of this media moment. It is at a point that people completely tune out of the repetition of sponsors and just start paying attention when the excitement of the tennis returns. But Uber Eats cleverly realised they could stand out from this crowd and grab the attention of the audience – by blending perfectly in, with people thinking they've come back to the tennis, only to find an Uber Eats ad.