Brewdog slashes prices in line with hot weather plus...5 more campaigns that correlate a behaviour with a brand benefit.
A snapshot look at a trending campaign with a curated pick of past campaigns that use a similar creative approach in some way.

Temperatures across the UK are set to rise this last week of August, and to help cost-saving Brits keep cool during the welcome hot weather, Brewdog is launching a 'Beerometer' which reduces the prices of its Cold Beer in line with a rise in the temperature.

Starting at a base temperature of 20°C, 25p will be knocked off the price of a pint of BrewDog’s "Cold Beer" for every degree it gets hotter. If temperatures reach the heights of last summer, a pint of "Cold Beer" could be enjoyed for a bargain £1.85; which really is a great way to celebrate the last week of summer.
Here are 5 more campaigns that correlate an outcome or behaviour with an equivalent brand benefit.
Buy With Your Time | IKEA | Ogilvy | 2021
Correlate <pain point> with <an equivalent price discount in store>. It’s often said that time is money and nowhere is this more true than in IKEA Dubai’s campaign. IKEA acknowledged that it can take a lot of time for potential customers to get to a store due to its out-of-town location which could put customers off visiting. Their campaign embraced this barrier to purchase and turned the distance travelled by a customer into a positive. By turning the time the customer’s journey took into something of monetary value, the customer could then feel the value of making a long journey to visit. By acknowledging a problem and turning the issue into a positive, IKEA was able to eliminate one of the reasons a customer may choose not to visit by rewarding the customer for making the effort.
Clutter For Coors | Coors Light | 2021

Correlate <a mutual benefit> with <a brand benefit>. Throughout the global pandemic, Americans looked for opportunities to fight boredom and keep occupied while at home. Purchases for kitchen gadgets and exercise equipment skyrocketed in 2020, but a year later, many of the items were sitting in the corner collecting dust. So, Coors Light decided to help folks remove the anxiety-inducing clutter and bring some “chill” back to their homes with the Clutter for Coors trade-in campaign. The campaign invited people to purge their unwanted purchases and trade the items in for their weight in Coors Light beer.
The Skin Trade | Fundación Manos Abiertas | Wunderman Thompson | 2021

Correlate <brand purpose behaviour in physical world> with <brand benefit in digital world>. While many Argentinian children live in poverty and suffer from a lack of clothing in real life, other kids and teenagers are worried about clothing (skins) in video games. Flow, the main sponsor of eSports in Argentina used this insight to connect the virtual world with the real world to help solve this problem. With the support of Wunderman Thompson, they collaborated with the most important gamer event in LATAM – the ‘League of Legends Final’ – to offer a simple deal for players: Bring clothes they no longer use in exchange for exclusive skins for their videogame heroes.
The Cost Of Bullying | Samsung | Cheil | 2021
Correlate <problem behaviour> with <a cost punishment> so gamer bullies pay for their actions. Samsung aimed to cut down on online bullying during gaming by making bullies pay the price for their actions. Online gaming has exploded in popularity in China but more than 79% of gamers report being bullied while playing. To show that bullies should pay for their behaviour rather than their victims, Samsung worked with a gaming developer to change the status quo in the well-known game Magic Quest. Many players buy things like weapons and armour within the game, so Samsung made these more expensive for bullies. The game’s Abusive Language Detection System was used within the chatroom and this raised the price of in-game purchases in correlation with the amount of bullying that was detected.
Bose Noise-O-Meter | Bose | Wunderman Thompson | 2020
Correlate <the problem> with <brand benefit discount>. When something as serious as Covid-19 dominates the headlines, how do you stay relevant without being opportunist? Bose did this well by identifying that while millions of office workers were WFH, not all home offices are quiet. So, they converted everyday decibels - [turn everyday to your advantage] into discount coupons for Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones. Thus the playful premise became: the louder your home office, the larger your discount.