Silk & Spice invite us to a a glass of wine on a desert island plus...5 more campaigns that use extreme locations to bring their product benefit to life.

A snapshot look at a trending campaign with a curated pick of past campaigns that use a similar creative approach in some way.

Silk & Spice invite us to a a glass of wine on a desert island plus...5 more campaigns that use extreme locations to bring their product benefit to life.

Portuguese wine brand Silk & Spice has placed a billboard on a deserted island, complete with hidden treasure - a real bottle of Silk & Spice wine, a glass, and a corkscrew for anyone adventurous enough to go looking for it.

The fun campaign is part of the brand’s ‘Meant to be Discovered’ platform that pays tribute to the history of Portuguese explorers who sailed the Indian Ocean in the 15th century.  It is this spirit of discovery that Silk & Spice wants to reflect in their brand and by inviting only those brave enough to seek out a desert island to try the wine, it’s fair to say, they’ve succeeded.

Meant To Be Discovered | Silk & Spice | Stream and Tough Guy | 2023

Leveraging extreme locations to dramatize or demonstrate the product's benefit is a powerful attention-grabbing tactic. Below are five other campaigns that have leveraged it in slightly different ways.

The Coldest Pop-up Store | North Face | Fred & Farid | 2022

Challenge people to travel to a pop-up store in the freezing cold mountains to bring the product benefit to life.

The No Show Room | Volkswagen | Nord DDB | 2020

Challenge folks to find the world's most remote car showroom to win the car inside and bring the product benefit to life.

Welcome To The Cliffside Shop | 37.5 Technology | Workin Progress | 2017

Give climbers 'the best' apparel and accessories from a shop attached to the side of a cliff to bring the product benefit to life.

The Long Swim Home | Coastguard NZ | VMLY&R | 2021

Challenge boaties to swim from a stranded boat 3km out at sea to the shore to demonstrate the benefit of $115 Coastguard membership.

The Coolest Suit On The Planet | MJ Bale | TBWA\ | 2017

Challenge a weatherman to report from the hottest climates to demonstrate how cool a wool suit can be.