Peeboards turn pavements into STI awarenes ads plus...four more urban health test campaigns.

A snapshot look at a trending campaign with a curated pick of past campaigns that use a similar creative approach in some way.

Peeboards turn pavements into STI awarenes ads plus...four more urban health test campaigns.

To raise awareness of sexually transmitted diseases, Imagina Más and VMLY&R Health Spain took the message to the streets of Madrid during Pride celebrations. Literally. Using pavement ads that appear when urinated on – something that happens regularly during a Festival - the ‘Peeboards’ campaign encourages people to go to the company’s Instagram page for information and support about sexually transmitted diseases. And in doing so this smart campaign turns a rather anti-social pee in the street into something timely, relevant and helpful.

Plus here are four more urban health test campaigns...

Graffitesticle" | National Cancer Institute | McCann | 2022

Embrace graffiti as a way to remind people to perform self-examinations by providing stickers that can be added to any graffiti penis turning the street art into an instructional diaggram for a testicular self-examination.

The Eye-Opening Tests | Droit De Regard | BETC | 2021

Turn the sharp practice of rivals against them to promote Droit De Regard as an optician with no hidden costs.

Street-Vet | Purina | McCann | 2019

Turn skipping vet checkups into a billboard that can analyse dog urine for disease and recommend the right Purina products.

The Urban Eye Test | OCO Optometrists | McCann | 2019

Turn everyday urban objects into a means to check your eyesight.

And while not a street test, this last one did involve pee!

IKEA Pee-Ad | IKEA | Åkestam Holst | 2018

Reimagine an IKEA advert as a pregnancy test to engage expectant mums