The Big 5 Weekly Roundup

The Big 5 Weekly Roundup

This week we have curated creative thinking around using selfies, protagonists most in need, tactical brand reactions, stunt product activations, and campaigns that embrace imperfection. Enjoy!

Samsung launches selfie competition with Ryan Clark plus...5 more selfie-tastic campaigns.

Easyjet uses famous tourist attractions to encourage us to 'get out there' plus...4 more campaigns that use a protagonist most in need perspective.

Hellman's tactical response to Barbie-mania plus...5 more brilliant brand reactions.

Beavertown offers sun cream in beer gardens plus...7 more types of stunt product activations.

Polaroid celebrates the beauty of 'Real Life' plus...7 more campaigns that embrace imperfections.

Collection of the week

60+ impactful B2B Campaigns that achieved sales impact and earned media attention

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